Pinkie is a smaller female at 55 lbs working weight. She joined us in spring of '24 and has been hunting hard with my son, both upland and waterfowl. She hunts waterfowl from a kayak with him as well as is transitioning to running some upland tournaments with him. She is hard going in the field, friendly and is extremely well bred with her sire being FC AFC Seaside's Troublesome Fowl Pursuits "Percy" who is a "nephew" to our big handsome Ransom. Her dam is an HRCH daughter of NAFC Tubb and the super talented and producing bitch 6xGRHRCH Land Shark MH MNHOF QAA.
Pinkie is OFA hips good, elbows normal, eyes normal, tested and clear of EIC/CNM/CMS/RD/OSD/PRA/SD2/ HNPK/Stargardt via Pawprints. She is chocolate factored.
Click anywhere here for pedigree link.